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(3 edits) (+2)

How I can drop items? Some small items can be dropped by pressing "e" key, but others (like guns for example) don't drop (desktop mode)

Hi I would like to purchase the game but I have the oculus quest, how do I get it onto my headset? I have a Mac pc but I’m on your page using my phone? 

Hello, you need to run SteamVR on your computer and use the Oculus Link cable to stream to your Quest. The other way is to use the experimental Air Link from Oculus or use the Virtual Desktop App.


Thank you for updating the Mac version on here! The new features really bring it to a new level. The character creator especially opens up so many more options! Thanks for all the hard work.

I noticed the controls listed seem a bit off. "O" doesn't bring up the debug/cheat menu, it's now "Ctrl-U", and after bring it up it asks for a passcode. What is the code to access that?

I also noticed the "V" key seems to do something, but I can't quite tell what. Same with "shift", though I think that may just be a run key? Is there a full command list anywhere?

Is the Devious Device available for only the default harness? I tried to activate it on the other two but it seems unresponsive.


Hello, thanks for the comments, I will try to answer your questions.

You are ight, on latest versions the Cheat Console is accessed differently, but this functionality is not intended for a release and is behind a password intended for beta testers and active high tier Patrons. Most of the options there are just debugging options. I probably copied the controls from somewhere else, I need to remove that from Itch since it is not intended to be used.

I'm not sure abut V, I haven't set it to do anything, Shift however is to make the player move faster.

The Devious device is the contraption device that holds the character in a crouch position, so maybe you are referring to the robot arm. The robot arm is only available with the 4 arm device.

I hope I have answered everything, thanks again for your comments!


Thanks! Yeah that pretty much covers it. Keep up the good work!

i just subscribe and install the game, but I can't hear robot's voice and girl's voice. Weird thing is that sound effect like gunfiring sound works well. I try to turn off Spatial Audio option and re-install my audio driver.  Sould i install some driver or someting?

(1 edit) (-1)

[Demo] The instructions on this webpage for keyboard/mouse are false (the 1,2,3,4 buttons do nothing), you can't access any kind of debug/cheats, the only hand interaction you can do is gently pet the girl, you can accidentally explode yourself if you dare try to use the de-clothing gun more than once (no matter what you aim it at), but on the other hand you explode to -555 health and if you hold a dildo and spam-left-click you can watch it sail off into the distance like the rocket-ship it always wanted to be.

There's no way I'm paying money for this with such a janky, featureless demo. Shooting ping-pong balls at her to reduce her fear is entertaining however.

I'm sorry about that, the demo is 1 year old hence it doesn't reflect the actual state of the game.


Good afternoon, I want to buy the game but first I would like to try the demo to see what it is about but I see that it is very limited. can't update it? Thanks

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(1 edit)

znelarts when I  create a girl and i comeback to the menu  the screen starts flashing, also if i reset with R the game. Cause of this I have to close the game

Thanks for reporting this, I noticed that issue too, will fix it in a future release. The workaround for now is as you said, to restart the game. Im sorry for that inconvenience.

dont worry

Was kind of wondering Znelatrs, do you have a road map for planned content. Love the surprises  on the youtube channel, but it does make me curious.

Hello, I do have a secret roadmap for TVS as I still want to surprise you, however I also prioritize a few features my supporters want very much. I'm careful not to fall into the scope creep and try to balance feature request with my own roadmap. 

On the short term, I'm getting close to have chapter 1 along the tutorial, this will make TVS an actual game and give a purpose of playing it.

Understandable. Although if I may make a low priority request for a very long term goal, When you get around to hiring a voice actress for Felicity Aka, I can't believe it's not Feli cia would you considering hiring someone more like the OVA voice actress? The direction they took her voice in recent years is a bit... unpleasant.

Like seriously, why does every cat girl now have to have a ear splitting high pitched voice?

Interesting, for these kind of characters Im planning to use a Japanese voice

(1 edit)

...Wait, Japanese? Felicia was born and lives in Las Vegas, Nevada. She's American...

Edit: Ignore me. Off brand parody. You do you.

Reason is I want to add anime like characters an anime Japanese voice. I hope it makes sense

znelarts  what is the itch tier for TVS?

Patreon 4 for $12

(1 edit)

what is it? and where i can buy it?

(1 edit)

in beta 20 is possible to make your own girls wear Tiffany/TIFA stockings?


Now that you mention it I have forgot to add that cloth item to the character customizer, I will add the on beta 23 which is the one that is currently on development

(2 edits)

thank you for your reply,    can you add it in the 20 for itch this sunday? i know it's hard to find the time but I think that it would be great, if you do it I will appreciate so much, thanks for your time! If not don't worry (-:

As much as I would love that it is not possible, Beta 20, 21 and 22 are already baked. Beta 20 was released today and 21 and 22 will wait in the queue until they are able to be released on Itch. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, please bear with me and have a little patience. Regards

dont' worry, thanks for your time and passion

Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit)

Just fyi, I added these stocking options to Beta 23

thanks so much !

for the customizations take a look to illusion games, surely you know what I am talking about


hey any idea when beta20 will be available on itch? :)

i think in this days i am waiting it so much !


I will pusblish it this Sunday once Im back from a small trip

came here to inquire about this, thanks for the update!

Just released!


Enjoying the sim so far. One question though... Is Selina the only girl you can finger? I don't get the prompt with any of the others or my custom girl


Any idea when we might get a new Mac version here?

i dont know bro i hope soon for you

Yeah, the current Mac version is really bugged for me well. The dildo is invisible and if you shoot any item of clothes on the character her whole body disappears.

I see maybe to dont make the girl disappear you have to use the laser, with the right  click of the mouse

beta 21 for mac !


if you shoot the the door and it gets atomized and if you walk off you fall out of the map. then when i went to the main menu it kept freaking out in the main menu so i closed application and everything went back to normal.


Thanks for the bug!, will work on fixing it

Hold up, Why is Felicia in this if she isn't a villain?

She is a cat human and you are the villain =P

makes sense


HI ZNAELART when do ypu think the beta 20 will be avaible on ITCH?

thanks for ur time and ur hard work


Thanks! Beta 20 will be on Itch early April

thanks for the information !


looking forward to the update. appreciate your work.

is there a way to change height? im not very tall.

Sorry, not yet but I might add this in the future

Just discovered you can customize this with the height offset in Advanced Settings for Steam VR, Height Offset under the Motions tab. Hope that helps

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really like this game a few things I noticed I pretty sure this is planned for the future but in the vr version there is no effect on the person when you stroke certain places and using the toys in the black box and the automated machine has no effect as well. you cant remove the clothing for the other characters besides cat girl (catwomen batman character not actually cat girl) and its not really clear how I can get my custom character I created into the VR mode. it would be cool have the ability to grab certain parts like you have with the mouth but  like the butt or boobs would be cool. also being able to penetrate with the dildos with the hands would be cool as well. there only seems to be one way I know to get the arousal up  is with the vibrator but thats all I could really find. I really like the other toys you have around like the nerf gun etc would be great like wiredperson said about the tickling and other funny thing. really cool game in vr I have tried out a few other and this one seems to be to most fun so far.

Hello, thanks I am glad you like it. Yeah a few of those things are already planned, I recently meet another creator that is giving me a lot of ideas for a tickling mechanic. Also I will be expanding the reactions when you interact in different ways with the characters. I

It is weird, I tested and the cloth on the cat girl can be removed, make sure to use the laser pointer to aim precisely at her cloth.

To bring up your custom character use the Hero Console located at the back table, you will see some buttons numbered from 1 to 5, those are the slots in which you saved your characters.

Thanks again for your nice comments, I would appreciate if you could leave a rating to the game as this helps me so much. Thank you.

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I tried for the life of me to do it I pulled back (south) on to joystick and I couldnt see any laser I got super close to the clothing and nothing to text appears I tried to crab but it didnt work, is there something different with the build for itch than the build you maybe used for pateron. also discovered if you have really big boob chick there is no collision with them. I am using the occulus  rift 

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I tried a few days ago again and couldnt get it to work, maybe its the version that currently on itch

Make sure you are saving your custom character in one of the slots before leaving the character creator

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still couldnt get any thing really to work with my oculus rift with removing coming all it does when I tap the triggers and paddels is open and close the hand I looked everwhere around the body no luck.

hey znel just bought the game and it is so fun do you recon you could add a tickling feature though?

This is something I am considering, I will probably add it but it might take some time since right now I am focused on finishing the first part of the game story. BTW, I would appreciate if you could leave a rating to the game as this helps me so much. Thank you.

thank you so much znel and i will make sure to drop a rating but also when the tickling comes out do you recon it will be on the itch version?

Your demo has convinced me to NOT buy this game.  The keyboard controls don't match what's listed in the post above.  It took me a lot of screwing around and frustration to figure out how to do anything.

I get to disintegrate exactly one piece of clothing or accessory (or floor panel), and then every further attempt kills me.  I can pick up the dildo, and it looks very pretty, but I can't actually do anything with it.  Seriously?  I get that you want limited functionality for a demo, but that's so limited that I can't really learn anything about game play.

Seriously, if you're trying to sell a game, please give us a useful demo.  The graphics are lovely and I want to like it.  I'm definitely not buying based on what I saw in the demo.  In fact, I'm left with a very negative attitude about the whole thing.

you are simply not capable of playing the game so retry I assure you it is fantastic

im having difficulty withe the vive. it says its supported, and everything works with one exception. i cant seem to use anything. i can pick up, turn on laser on disintigrator, and even interact with everything properly. i am unable to fire the disintegrator, dart gun, ball gun, taser, or activate the vibrator. i have tried every button and combination and nothing seems to work

that's definitely odd, I am also using an original Vive and I have had no issues with it.

Hello, Im sorry about that. Can you make sure it is using the official SteamVR Bindings?

(1 edit)

I have resolved my issue. the problem I had was If you use the trigger to pick up items you become unable to fire them. In order to use items you have to pick them up with the grip buttons on the side of the controllers

I'm glad you got it working!

I'm in the demo on mouse and keyboard and I can't seem to place things on the character like the breast milkers or dildo, how do I put them on her?

Deleted 280 days ago

Thanks for your nice words, I am happy you like the game and motivate s me to keep working on it.  I would appreciate if you could rate the game as this helps me a lot. Thank you!

hey znel just checking aha how is the oculus quest 2 version going??

Hello, all I did was a research on the effort needed and feasibility, I have a good understanding now of what is needed but I am not actively working on it, will allocate time to it once the game is completed on the current platform.

In the newest beta 19, My mouse buttons arent doing anything. My hands dont come out and i cant pick up any tools

Hi, try using the keys 1 to 4 to select different hand modes, let me know if that works


nice game! keep like this, maybe you can add a community workshop where players can post their created girls, also you can add something without the have more  free (-; interactions

Definitely, all things you mentioned are being considered already!

thanks bro! only to know when the beta 20 will be avaible  on itch?

It will probably take a while, I just published Beta 19

OK!!! thanks for your work

Can you provide the walk through on all the things you can use in the simulator, there is alot of things u can grab but has no function.

Also bigger toy option or custom for the machine.

A option to use the machine on her mouth with the dildo would be awesome.

Keep up the good work

Hello, thanks that would be good, I will see if I setup a wiki or something. I also have in ming more options for arm machines,  it will just come eventually as the development goes on.



Thanks for your hard work, please share the wiki when you get it setup.

recently when I try to start the game, it doesn't work. It says "Unity.dll is missing". Hasn't happened before. How to fix?

It seems the download was corrupted or incomplete, try redownloading

Are hands not enabled in the pc version? i tried clicking and right clicking all over everything and nothing happened

On Beta 19 you have to select the hand mode using the 1, 2, 3, 4 keys

Hope that works!

hey znel just wondering have you stared to make an oculus quest 2 version??


Not yet, I made a research on the effort needed for it and it is something that is possible to do, however I will be focusing on launching the game first and then add support for other platforms if the success of it is great


I'll be watching for it!

Playing on Desktop version. Is there anything you can do with the hands aside from fingering the girls? Imean, stuff like grabbing their breasts or anything?

hey ZnelArts can you help me understand how you are up to beta 21 on Patreon but don't have a stable 19 for us on Itch.  Just curious as I am looking forward to the new build


Hello, I can help with that. Once I release a beta on Patreon I get a lot of feedback from my backers, they discover plenty of bugs and I often release a dot version of the beta.  Some of this patches go into the next beta but since I keep the Itch version a few iterations behind Patreon on purpose, I have to make sure I add those critical fixes to the early versions so Itch users do not deal with those issues.
I just finished testing Beta 19 and beta 21 on December but I went OOO and will be posting it as soon as I get back to work on Jan 10th.

hey thanks for the reply that helps :-)

Hi I'm getting a problem that only seems to happen when in create character the game crashes with a window titled unity followed by numbers, can anyone help or has anyone else had this problem?

Hello, can you paste here the crash message you are receiving?  I will try to help

(8 edits) (+2)


Stupid question, how on earth do you open the case of dildo's in VR?  

this looks so good i dont recon i can wait any longer can you please make an oculus quest version aha (keep up the work)

Hi, I am considering becoming a Patreon of yours and the game I know have so much potential, I have a feeling the demo does not do it much justice. Have you ever considered a ragdoll body handling where there can be some body play after the hero has perished, removing her from the binds? Similar to Blades and Sorcery or Skyrim/Fallout? I think that would take the game to anther level of fun. Secondly, a hardcore mode option for players who wish to use more tools than just a tazer and a whip?. Thanks    

Hi, thanks for the feedback and I hope you become a Patreon.  I believe the character enters ragdoll mode when you lower all its health, I added a hardcore mode on Beta 21 to enable dead and blood features.

Deleted 4 years ago

what does the cheat console allow you to do.?

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