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Why cant I open the game on Mac? pls reply i need help

Hi i love s.ex my contact here

How on earth do I pass the synth level 1 on keyboard and mouse?  I can only get one star and seem to only have a limited range of actions and motions.  I've been stuck on this for two weeks.  This is very frustrating and annoying.  The controls seem extremely limited for desktop use.

Hi, you probably are not trying everything, have you tried kissing them? what about tickling with your tongue? The range of actions is not limited, you can do everything you can do on VR since the game is first created in Desktop Mode and then adapted for VR

Hi, I was wondering if there is any chance we can get beta 44 on For personal reasons, I can’t pay on another platform except here. So I buy TVS from here. @_@

Yes, once you own the game on you will get all future updates for free, Beta 44 will eventually arrive to Itch

any luck with bringing it back on steam 

Unfortunatelly that won't be possible =(

that is so unfortunate 

even if it differs a little, i think it fits quite well as a supplement.

unfortunately you can't buy adult games via steam in germany. that's why it's an advantage that there are other options besides steam.

the developers of these games should also be aware of this, because because steam germany blocks this content, fewer games of this type can be sold.

personally, i am happy to be plugged via “itch”.

in case that sounds a bit strange, i had everything translated with deepl.

Actually screw Steam with that. But so what?  Anyone can still play the game on SteamVR

(1 edit)

Is is playable on PS VR 2 using the adapter? i see the latest version is 41 here but i saw there is olso 44 im i doing something wrong? oslo are you planing to add Belly expansion or enema in the game?

Not sure if is playable on PS VR.
Latest version public available is 41.
Belly expansion is out of scope for now.

Yup sure is! That's what I use.

I got to say that now that I've heard that 44 beta was released on Patreon and having bought the game on I realized that the villain simulator on is like living in the past. So that said I became a member at Patreon, got the v44 beta and only wish I had realized this sooner. Also love the extras that come with it! 

Rather than living in the past is like knowing the future. Version 44 is our latest but we already are working on 45, so in theory everybody lives in the past x)

Expect the creator 😉 how many more do you estimate to have a final release? 

No idea really, we recently started working on the story missions, considering there will be 5 main characters each with 5 missions and we expect to release 1 mission per beta if possible (super optimistic) that is at least 25 more betas... gulp...

I'm sure it will go great! I'm looking forward to the missions. The first thing I did while playing was doing all the objectives and achievements!  I need a purpose to be in there lol 

Love the new camera system btw 

There Is Belly expansion/inflation in the game?

Hello, there is not

It's nice that we'll finally get a healing potion in beta44. But can we have it also just restore health and NOT heal visible wounds please? And will the state of the hero be saved when leaving the game? Currently it will restart with the hero used before, but not its state (for example wounds or level of submission etc.).

Yes it heals health of course. Submission level is always saved.

Thanks. Good to know. Looking forward to.
I just asked, because the Vimeo video says, that it's going to heal both, and I wanted to make sure, that there's going to be the possibility to heal one OR the other.

Great  Game. I need a Quest Standalone Version. :D

bonjours j adore le jeu 

est ce que une version avec la langue francaise et prevu 

le jeu a disparu de steam 

refera t il apparition dessus ou fo t il l acheter ici

Hello, we have plans to translate it to more languages when it is close to the final version.
Unfortunately Steam removed our game from their store and it wont be available on Steam anymore



Is there a way to re-download older releases or are we stuck with 41 now? It appears to be more broken than 40 was.

There is no way to download old versions. If you are having issues when upgrading try deleting the ZnelArts folder in AppData. This will delete any saves and characters that might be causing problems with the newer version.


I have to say that I prefer the 40 release better as all tools are right handy to grab and was having some penile glitches to the point that I had 5 members having seizures lol that said I re-installed version 40. 

I'm looking forward to try version 43 that is already out on Patreon.  If know better that Itcho was 3 versions behind I probably would have got the game via Patreon. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for this, was sad when this went off steam. Screw them bro, keep up the good work! Can't wait to see this develop further, will support where I can. This was the best vr game on steam, period.

Thank you

Hi, in vr mode on occulus quest how do you change hands to dick or tong as in pc mode please ?

interested ! 

Hello, grab your crotch and kiss as you would do in real life, just get close

(2 edits) (-1)

Please add a character height adjustment in VR or seating mode for those who play seating down.

Also it needs more options after submission too like lap dances and more positions.

Hi, that feature has already been added to the game in addition to the Steam VR option that also lets you do the same. You go into height calibration in the game by holding the menu button.

hey i really liked this please keep it up

Thank you!

Deleted 16 days ago

Hello, it is out of scope for now

Buenas, llevo tiempo detrás del juego, ¿hay que descargar y actualizar algún launcher para el juego? 

Just wanted to say, ZnelArts is being very nice to dumb commenters, always apricate that. 🤠


LoL, there are no dumb commenteds tho, sometimes people wants to be 100% sure of something. They might not be native English speakers or my descriptions might not be clear enough (non native english speaker myself)

But yeah, I appreciate it has been noted I try hard giving a great user experience.

are you going to post a vid on YouTube showing beta 44 or no?

(2 edits)

yes, I always do. However 44 is still not on so wont post it here until it arrives


sorry to ask this again but do you mean you won’t post a vid for beta 44 on until it arrives or you won’t post on YouTube until beta 44 arrives?  Sorry again for asking this I got confused😔

How do you update without losing your progress?

Just redownload anywhere and start the new build

I have a question if buy 8$ just 1 month i get unlimited acces to the "The Villain Sim" game


Hi, if you get it on Patreon or SubscribeStar you only have access to the build as long as you remain subscribed


This isn't what he's asking. The actual answer is. Sub for 1 month to get the CURRENT build. Unsub, BUT you can STILL play the version you downloaded forever.  

Later there's an update with a feature you want? REsub for 1 month to get it and Unsub and play THAT version forever.

Why STAY subbed? To support the dev and ALWAYS have immediate access to the latest build.

SO, if money is an issue, sub for the month.  If not stay subbed to always get the latest version and support the dev.


How to play on oculus?

Hi, to play it on the Quest you have to use the Oculus Link and run it from your computer using SteamVR. This tutorial might help:

Being impatient I am after a "walkthrough" :-)  Also is there a list of tasks need to unlock things?  Cheers - Ray 

There is a console with objectives and achievements, however there is not much to unlock yet, we will adding  an upgrades console soon


is an apk of this going to be released eventually?

Sorry, there is no plans for that


znel, please tell me you’re adding futa 

will there be any news about the games soon like a new beta soon?

(1 edit)

Hey ! I bought the game with Itch... 

Where do I can find the cheats codes ? THX

Sorry, cheat code is a dev tool for testers and subscribers.

3rd time is a charm seems to have worked cheers

also saying file not avaliable on site in my download history?

paid for download of game refuses to download keeps saying error - forbidden would like to know whats up please

Hi, did you try different browsers?


when is the next update going to be released?

Hello, as soon as we have it ready


can we get a road map or like a time frame? and thank you for responding :)

(1 edit) (+2)

np, sorry, I don't have a road map or anything like that. Im just working on it until is ready.


I only have a oled steam deck. Which version do I buy? 

Do you have a place explaning the lore of the game? Would be an interesting read.

Unfortunately we dont. Only thing is a story-writing channel in our Discord but is for premium subscribers

Any way to play on Steam Deck? Also, why not a Linux version? That would be useful for some people. Mac/PC options work for me, for full disclosure.

Hi, the windows version plays very well on Steam deck

Have you figured out how to run it on the steam deck?

Probaby switch to Desktop mode on Steam Desk and add the game exe as a "none Steam game" in the Steam library menu.

Thank you. Ima try. You're the only one who replied, so thank you regardless 😭😭


You're very welcome ✌️😉

Since it is off Steam (Why?) Can this not do VR anymore? I have a meta quest.


You can still use SteamVR if you use "Add a Non-Steam game" and toggle on "Include in VR Library" in the properties. Need Itch or Patreon version though.


How do I update to a newer version

Hello, you have to download the new version from your library

Body scale slider limits doesn't disappear even if i turn it off on cheat mode, i want to make a dwarf slave but the scale limit its still 25%

That is correct, there is no way around the scale limit.

Are there any anthro characters?

Does anyone know how to get all the interaction points on the the Synth Mission 1?

I can only get 5 or 6 enough for one star, two stars is 9 and I have no idea what I am missing let alone all points for the 3 stars.

Have you tried tickling in different parts? Have you tried kissing or licking them?

I've tried tickling and licking in different parts. I'm playing in VR mode and was not aware of a kissing feature! How is that action performed in VR? 

Same as real life, get your mouth close to where you want to kiss x)

Strange, when I get close just licks. 

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