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(1 edit)

What difference does it make if I buy it here versus your patreon?

Nevermind I now see patreon has the latest version.

question, once i buy it here, can i come back and download newer versions when they release?


Do the fear statistics make sense?

What do you mean?

I don't know what it affects. I used  cheat code to get it up to max, but it drops back to 30 very quickly. And I can't really increase it with torture because the character dies.

It will change the test subject's mood, reactions and voice lines. However even if you boost it it will quickly revert to a 'default level'...and from what I can tell it's based on how clothed the subject is. RIP fans of Felicia's fur pattern and want her scared.

This has apparently been changed in the patreon locked updates, with a new status called sensitivity. So I guess things will be better in a year or so...

Thanks! :)

So for the moment it has no function, because there is no specific goal to be achieved.

How far away from completion is this game?


Hopefully no more than 2 years away

Yo like the update, you getting somewhere guys funny bug but i know you get it fix. In the mean time for those on the new update just switch to hands and done a temp fix.  Cant wait to see more


Would buy in a second if it wasnt versions behind Patreon.


I'm with you on that, I think Patreon is a better deal.


No, you would end up paying a lot more with Patreon.

Patreon exists only to milk the end user of cash.


You could always pledge once and get the latest version plus and Itch Key, then cancel so you dont get milked. About this topic;  I cannot agree more with you, Patreon is designed to milk cash to fund projects,  in my case is used entirely  to fund this game and this cash has helped me more and more become full time on this project.

(1 edit)

dont work mouse in desktop mode

it just spin all the time

Hello, make sure you dont have a joystick connected, that sometimes can be interfering with the controls since the mouse and joystick are fighting for control

Does the demo have vr?


I tried to sideload it onto my quest, but I couldn't. Do you think you could make a version for quest?

This requires running trough a computer using SteamVR and the Oculus Link. 

Deleted 363 days ago

Hello, they are supposed to be 3 versions behind the Patreon version and will come out right after the Patreon version is published

(2 edits) (+1)(-2)

not sure the dev knows what a one-room sandbox is worth in monetary terms.
certainly not 20 bucks. there's sandboxes just as good, for free, widely available 


Hello, thanks for the feedback. Anybody is free to play those free sandboxes, I am not forcing nobody to purchase my game.



that is correct.
you're also not doing much in the way of making this a market-competitive game

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

That  might be correct, however I am giving all my best and doing all I possibly  can.

when will be the next update ?

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello, hopefully by the end of this month

Really fun, ran well and im excited to see new updates. Overall better for VR than just desktop but this was obviously the intention of the developers.

Thank you!

I really liked the game, but somehow I am not able to start the latest version for Mac. Beta 25 worked flawless but now with Beta 26 it only tells me that the data is damaged after I downloaded it.


Maybe is a corrupted download, did you try downloading it again?


Yeah, that message appeared too. I managed to start it but it has a 5 to 10 seconds mouse/keyboard delay.

Changing the graphics has no effect.

What engine are you using? Btw, gonna buy it rn.

Didnt expected Unity. Nice tho.

Thanks, there is still room for a graphics overhaul by using Unity's latest rendering system.

Did they finally update the mesh-render-component? Wrote my one cause it was so unperformant.

No idea, you created your own Skinned Mesh Renderer?

With the help of my colleagues. We needed it for a project.

(1 edit)

i cant hear the voices in the beta but can in the demo

This is a know issue that happens when the game ins installed in a folder with non English character, try moving the game to a path that has only English characters.

This will be addressed in a later version


Interesting idea, but it spoils the game that there is no goal. I mean, no matter what you do to the character, she reverts to she's default state (unless you kill she).

So we can torture/entertain them for eternity, but for what? If it's a trainer game, their values (fear/heal) should matter, and we need some closure to the plot. 

That is the point of the game, however since this is an early access it does not represent the final experience of the game

Patreon won't accept prepaid cards, which is annoying. However, I had no problem buying the game from Now I am considering buying the game multiple times from (if that is allowed--seems to be, from my research) to support your project that way. It might be the only viable alternative.

Hello, I appreciate that very much however I'm not sure if that would be the best way,  I do need to setup a donation jar or something but right now I don't have anything like that.
On Itch there is the option to pay what you want I think.
I also have subscribe star, did you try that?
Here are my links

Thanks again!

It did occur to me after a night's sleep that probably isn't the best way (I'm pretty sure I know why, and I understand). So I will check out the subscribe star way when I get home tonight. I hope it works.
And thank you too, for making this game :)

Deleted post

Yeah, you are welcome here


This is a known issue when the game is installed in a path with non English characters such as Russian, Japanese or Chinese, please extract the game in a path with only English characters. This issue will be resolved at a later Beta

The demo crashes whenever i start on desktop mode. It worked fine the first time but after that it keeps crashing even if i re-extract from the zip file

Dumb question, but is there some trick to keeping the fear meter high? It drops back down to 20% so quickly, yet the health takes forever to come back. I think it might stick to 40% if you completely strip them, but that seems silly if they're that calm when they're a nerf dart away from being killed.

I might re-work on the status in the future

(1 edit)

Have the full patreon latest build & cheats, is there anyway to pull out the genitals and use them on the captives without doing the sex chair thing? Or is it only the toys?


Right now only on the chair scene but eventually I will add a full body for the entire game

Do you have this with sidequest?

VR only works on PC using SteamVR and Oculus Link

And macbook pro 2021 can ran the game on the oculus quest 2?  through oqulus link?

SteamVR is not supported on the mac, sorry

i have promblem with sounds of the character everything else works fin

Try unzipping the game in a directory path that only contains English characters.

I cannot save any characters =/

What if i bought the game on Gamejolt but it got deleted from that platform.

You should had received an email from GameJolt providing a key for the game on Itch. Can you let me know if you received their email

Unfortunately i didn't get the code for this game, i got code for my other game but not for this one


Can you write me at

I'm arguing with GameJolt over email about this and I need to redirect them users that haven't received the codes.

Thanks for helping with this.

(1 edit)

Is it compatible with Windows Mixed Reality?

I have heard it works well on it but I haven't tested it myself


Great game, how about adding a male character?


Thanks! I don't have plans for a male captive character for now, but maybe on the feature once the game is complete I can work on DLCs like that

Hey, not to be rude but how would i refund this? i went to subscribe to you on patreon instead.

You would have to co tact itch support, then they will ask for my approval and I will agree to it

or better contact me on Patreon and I can refund there


Hello, just bought the game yesterday, I'm loving it so far. I noticed there was a cheat menu in vr, can I have access to the cheat codes? What do they even do?

please bring the game to steam

Im working on it!

That makes me excited, I hope you can get it there I'll buy it as soon as I know its there. Also it works with Quest 2 right?


It works using the Oculus Link running from your Computer

I will let you know, I will publish it there as an early access with some updates until I finish the game

Hey is this game in beta .24 cause it says it is but i have 23 and i cant download 24 25 or 26 i know 25 and 26 are patreon but still

Im sorry, Beta 23 is the current build on Itch that has been corrected. Regardless I will be publishing Beta 24  very soon

i downloaded beta 23 and i cant even play it dude

Deleted 2 years ago

Yeah it works, it has finger tracking for the index controller

Can you play this on quest without hooking it up to a pc?

No, it requires the Oculus Link running with a PC

Can you play this game without VR?

Yes you can play it, it has FPS style controls with mouse and keyboard and every feature is available in no VR mode


LOVE this game!! fun and naughty lol the type of fantasy that you can only have in vr... Great work!! would love to see more :D

Thank you! 

Hello, the Game is crashing in charecter Creator. 

Desktop Mode


GTX 1070

16 GB DDR4

Crash Report: 

TheVillainSimulator by ZnelArts [version: Unity 2019.4.20f1_6dd1c08eedfa]

UnityPlayer.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)

  in module UnityPlayer.dll at 0033:279fb39f.

Error occurred at 2021-12-17_004512.

C:\TVS-Beta23-Itch\TheVillainSimulator\TheVillainSimulator.exe, run by Moda VR.

93% physical memory in use.

16337 MB physical memory [1122 MB free].

14660 MB process peak paging file [14597 MB used].

11217 MB process peak working set [11216 MB used].

System Commit Total/Limit/Peak: 21316MB/21337MB/21337MB

System Physical Total/Available: 16337MB/1122MB

System Process Count: 182

System Thread Count: 2274

System Handle Count: 81363

Disk space data for 'C:\Users\MODAVR~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ZnelArts\TheVillainSimulator\Crashes\Crash_2021-12-16_234508532\': 36545945600 bytes free of 239386431488 total.

Write to location 0000020DD4FFFFE8 caused an access violation.


RDI:    0x0000020dd4ffffe0  RSI: 0x00007ff828c3b910  RAX:   0x0000020dd4c00000

RBX:    0x0000000000000013  RCX: 0x0000000000400000  RDX:   0x0000020dd4c00000

RIP:    0x00007ff8279fb39f  RBP: 0x0000020dd4c00000  SegCs: 0x0000020d00000033

EFlags: 0x0000000000010202  RSP: 0x0000005f58bddb20  SegSs: 0x0000020d0000002b

R8:     0x000000000000005a  R9:  0x000000000000005e  R10:   0x0000000000000096

R11:    0x0000000000000246  R12: 0x0000005f58bddc40  R13:   0x0000000000000000

R14:    0x0000000000000000  R15: 0x0000000000000020


It seems like there is a memory leak, I will be working in fixing this, will let you know once I publish a version with the fix

Hey I'm having some problems with playing it in VR I start the game then select vr mode steam vr starts then nothing happens am I doing something wrong?

Hello, Im sorry about that, could you send some logs over Discord, you can join discord here

The invite became invalid here is my discord id FOOL)#9034

Sorry, cannot find user "FOOL)#9034

Can you try again?

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