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Well, as this seems to be the main thread I copied my remarks for version 39 here:
Ah, the proposed cameras have arrived, even with different modes - very nice! But I don't see where their picture is shown?

Thanks a lot for fixing the death ragdolls. Contrary to the change log the death ragdolls are fixed for every device, you can now even switch to a different machine and position with the dead lady without having odd effects like in the previous versions.

I don't know if it's due to the fixed death ragdoll behavior or some other optimization, but the breast jiggling seems to be much better now. While it's still nearly not happening with the awake ladies, it's already visible for the sleeping ladies and perfect for the dead ladies. 

Especially in the poser machine in the position selected by the top right button, going for vagina and using the second fastest thrust it's really awesome. Not yet fully realistic but getting a lot closer. And you can see the different breast tendernesses, the best for my taste is the catwoman.

I really wish I wouldn't have to kill them to get the proper jiggling, though :-D

In this position in the poser machine the pubic hair of all ladies seems to have a bit of a glitch.

The automation ring is nice, but doesn't do too much to my fetishes... but tastes are different and it's a really interesting machine. I expect that it's perfect for a tickling fetish.

I'm still missing the dildo machine for the devious machine (at least I hope it's the name for the one that puts her in doggy style position).

And having a dual dildo option would also be cool similar to what you have in the automation ring.

I love the creampie animation on the x-ray machine. I'm also very happy with the cum dripping out from the pussy that arrived in the previous update though I think the cum should less liquid, more gel-like and therefore drip slower. And of course stay a lot longer... perhaps with a "clean" function similar to the "reset clothes" or simply a towel that you can use on her.

I still have to test the rest, but so far it's really great work!

Oh, and thanks for finally enabling putting in the cheat code via num pad, it was always a bit of a nuisance to do that by mouse in the desktop mode!

I stand corrected. The autmation ring is awesome if you use it right.

The new objective / achievement system really teaches you what you can do with the villain simulator, even though I sometimes try it with the wrong machine first. It took me a while to find out that the 10 orgasms in 20 seconds objective is absolutely easy to achieve on the automation ring, with the full genital tools at max speed plus a keep conscious serum you can have the girl orgasming nearly constantly. Add the orgasm refactory serum and she doesn't stop squirting at all anymore.

As the objective / achievement system works so well I don't know if the original instruction box on the left is still needed... feels kind of superfluous now.

And it took me a bit to discover the CnC mode, the game is better with a bit of protest.


If I buy the itch version will I get all future updates?



Is it possible to add a way to adjust the rate at which clothes are disintegrated?  Like have an option so the clothes get disintegrated slowly as opposed to a one shot.  

Sorry, that is not possible

(1 edit)

( Edit: never mind, my fault. ) beta 39 flickers rapidly then freezes shortly after loading while using WMR HPreverbG2 

Can you check if any of this helps?
VR Help | The Villain Simulator Wiki | Fandom

(1 edit)

Turns out itch just didnt tell me I ran out of space. But While we're at it, there doesnt appear to be a strafe control for the motion controllers. turn only.

do you plan on adding a futa serum or more types of characters ?

Hello, futa is out of scope. We will be adding more vanila characters along the way.

Just as a hint so that it isn't overlooked: I placed a comment for the new version in the development link of Beta 39.

Struggling to figure out what im meant to do for the neck option

Try using the hand interaction on the neck

(1 edit)

if you mean the one that allows to choke i have, bar doesnt fill up unless im missing something

Edit: Nvm i figured it out

could you perhaps share your solution?  I feel kind of dumb, but I can't get it to work either

with the open hand u need to keeping clicking your mouse, as holding down the mouse button doesnt fill the bar. But tapping the mouse button does

If that doesnt work then it sound slike a bug, we will look into that!


Getting an error every time i deny a synth cum. Also reset progression doesn't work.


Seems you had some corrupted data from a previous version of the game. You need to delete this folder:


Note: This will remove any custom characters and settings you have.


Seems that TVS-Beta-39-mac is broken 

When I start it says 

“TheVillainSimulator” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Bin.

In the terminal, type xattr -c (path to app or just drag the app into the terminal)

That should fix it.

didn't help, how about you

(1 edit)

Didn't work running Sonoma 14.2.1 but works fine on Sequoia 15.1.1.


if you bought the version can we still get newer updates somehow?




Now that there's character customization and synth parts available, I would love to see some robotization content. Maybe make your test subject more submissive by forcing synth body parts, the synth belly or android's skin texture on her, have her voice change to the synthetic one and deliver some cheesy robot lines, and have her bemoan or be turned on by her loss of humanity.


We have been working on some of those things!


Will there be Android version

Hi, I recently bought the game. I am a big fan of the creator of it. I play on mac and I currently have loads of bugs in the game. I am not sure if it's due to the version of the game or it's files.

I downloaded version 39  but can't get it to start on apple silicon.

I'm loving the game but I'm confused about if there's a thrust control in VR? I turned on auto-thrust in the main menu but it doesn't seem to carry over to the VR mode and it's not in the settings there.


Hello, as of now there is no auto-thrust in VR. This is something we will bbe adding later on


when will the newest version of the game be available here?


The Current Newest version is Beta 38
We are hoping to release a new update soon. 

(2 edits) (+3)

First of all: keep up the good work. This is one of the best VR adult games.
What I'd love to see in feature updates:

1. Save game. It's annoying that you can't resume the game where you left it off, but have to start all over again
2. Beeing able to set another clone free and let him do all the things possible
3. Beeing able to select two girls and letting them engage in lesbian activities or let the one do all the things possible to the other
4. Healing potions. Not to heal wounds or whatever, but to increase life energy when you don't want to wait the character to heal
5. Maybe a mode, where the girl reaches a certain level of anger, that she frees herself and ties you up instead, so she can do all the things to you, including a way for the player to escape and switch roles again.
6. A possibility to undress the girls without the need to use the gun, but by using your virtual hands.

#1 There actually is a kind of save game already as the game remembers which girl & machine you used last. But of course it's completely without the current action. Still, I expect it shouldn't be too much work to additionally save the current stats of the girl, the status of the machine and which clothes were removed.

#2, #3 & #5 I expect that this takes a lot of effort to implement as the girls have to get way more active than they are now. Same goes for the clone.

#6 Would be nice but I expect that this will also be hard to implement. Simply tearing (or cutting) off light clothes like the underwear is one thing, but removing the armor would be... interesting to implement. Probably you'd have to add some mechanism that you can activate with your virtual hands.

(1 edit)

#1 I know, but without the current state it's not really a save game. As you said before: hopefully shouldn't be that hard to implement and may find its way in to one of the next updates.

#6 Actually I don't think that it is that hard to implement. I just want to be able to undress without using the gun. No wild animations or things like that needed. And I know that the gun serves a purpose, since you have to find the right intensity to remove parts without "blowing her up". And it's part of the achievement system. So maybe the solution could be to not get any achievements if you undress without the gun.

And by the way:
while playing recently I thought that since fingering is already possible, fisting would be a nice addition too.

1- We are working persisting more and more data as we se fit and the development advances

6- We dont want to implement a fake point and click to vanish clothes, most of the game follows some rules and as a sandbox is expected clothes would react to being pulled. Since the complication lies on cloth simulation we wont be implementing this feature.

Fisting is out of scope


Thank you. Just one more question:
As anyone else I love the character creator. The only thing I'm missing is the possibility to create more mature models. It is possible to create quite young ones. Maybe you could include the possibility to set the age to create cougars. I've seen something like that creators of similar games.


no more updates ?

(2 edits) (-1)

if i suggest stuff to improve the game is it fine ? sorry if its not the right place. i really like the game.

do u need vr?

no you can choose vr or non vr play in the game menu


Anyone got a fix for the VR not working ? Tried everything I could but nothing seems to work. Camera isn't at the correct height, can't move or press any button. Any help would be appreciate

Hello, try this

Did you get the VR mode to work?  How?

Honestly no idea, the hands work but it's like so laggy. I don't know if that's my PC or my headset though. I guess just uninstall and reinstall a lot lol ?


10/10 game



I might be stupid but how do I inject the different substances? I created one from plasma and got a red vial but have no idea what to do with it.

Hey, next to the serum crafting machine theres an injector lodged inside the machine. On the part where you push the lever look to its lower right corner. It's there!

Hello, just asking, in the game im having he problem that the stats screen, only shows me what the test subject likes and dislikes, but not the arousal level or any of that stuff. This is version 38. The other thing is that for what i see there is already a version 41, where is that?

Hello, you need to unlock all other indicators using Stars you obtain by completing Objectives

Hey sorry for disturbing you, I bought the version too. Could you tell me how to get the extra stats? I cant find a way to spend stars.

I played the demo on steam and had to have the game. 🤤 I bought it here, but then I noticed that here it is 3 versions behind.  😭 I miss the machines that were available in the demo. Couldn't the game be updated when the demo is already free in version 41? 🤗🤗

It's not been clearly stated, but when the steam version launches in early access, the itch purchased version will have parity. Whether this means it'll still be equal to the patreon builds or not is still unknown, since it is continual backing over a one time purchase.

You my fellow gamer, just saved me the hassle of asking this same question. I have a key from when i purchased TVS last year, but even the patreon subs give keys which i got when i subbed to get beta 39  and not steam ones, so i was just seeking clarification


Yeah, I don't really know why they haven't openly stated it. I'm glad to have been able to be of help! I already suggested that they state somewhere that the versions will be equal across both steam and itch, I am but one voice though.


my suggestion would be to release it for steam

Demo version is avaiable on steam

some of the girl require something called "sex toy" to get to 100 submission but I have no idea what change that score. Any help ?

(2 edits) (+1)

Platform:  macOS Sequoia

Hardware: MacBook Pro M1 Max

Game Version: Beta 38

Game Mode: Desktop 

Dashboard with hero stats is empty.

And lots of errors came in the top right corner 

Can't attatch pump to synth for aphrodisiac

I am trying to make one of the girls dance for me but I need to show her who is master how can I do that?

You need to level up their submission by performing the opinions they like. Check the status console to learn about their opinions

(1 edit)

How can i level up there submission

I am stuck on a couple of girls because the "Neck" and "Sex Toy" liked options are confusing. I have tried everything I can think to interact with, and nothing seems to count as the sex toy. Neck seems to imply breath play to me but obviously that didn't work

Hello. If I make this purchase am I also purchasing the final product?

Hello. When you purchase the game on you will own it and receive all futures updates up to the final version


Hello, when the game updates will those of us who own a copy of the game already need to buy the game again?

Can't speak for the dev but here on itch it usually updates in your library for you unless they specify it doesn't.

Hi! loving the game so far, but when i use the armchair, the sex animations don't show. The screen goes black. I can hear sound effects, and i can click things, but only the reticle is visible.

That is strange, would you join me on discord so we can take a look at what is going on?
If this is on VR you might also try this:

Sorry, yes, this was while I was using VR. I tried it again a day or so later and it worked with no issues, so I'm not sure it it was a hardware issue on my end or something in the game. 


For those of us that have supported on patreon at a high enough level (Own the game on here, basically), will we be getting steam keys when Early Access there comes around?

Is there a (approx.) date when will it become available on Steam?

(1 edit)

Problem: I launch the game, steam vr opens, does not go into vr mode. alternate launch: open steam vr, view desktop, launch game, game "running" but not really. using meta quest 2 airlink, please help

Hello. To enter VR Mode you have to click on VR Mode from the main menu using your Desktop Screen. It will ask to have your VR hardware ative and upon clicking continue the game will start in VR

Does choking not do anything? I choked her for like a solid minute straight and she did not pass out/die. If that's not a feature, would you consider adding that?

You need to pull the trigger while choking to stop them from breathing.

I know this is five months old but what is the trigger again? I am using PC controls and not VR

Would love to see some of the rwby characters or maybe a wonder women setup

you can use the character creator to make rwby characters

Is it possible for the characters shown in update logs/other material to be loadable as presets in the game? I'm too impatient to create a full character by myself and Random button is too random. (haven't downloaded in a while, so my bad if this we already have some extra characters)

Hello, please join us on Discord. There is a channel where people share their characters.

Hey, I have a bug that I can't move or even see my hands in vr using quest 2, can you tel me how to fix that.

It is probably your SteamVR Bindings. Check this guide:

Also make sure you installed the game in a path with only English characters

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