The Villain Sim Beta 39 now on

The Villain Sim Beta 39
The Villain Simulator Beta 39 is here with all these great features!

Automation Ring Machine

The Automation Ring represents the most sophisticated addition we've made to date. It empowers you to create sequences of operations to be executed on your test subjects.

Displayed on the machine console are a series of operations that you can toggle on and off at will. Upon tapping 'Start', the machine will execute the active operations and seamlessly loop through the sequence. Enjoy exploring and experimenting with the creation of your own sequences; there are countless combinations to explore and play with.

New Underwear Intimates

We've included a selection of intimate clothing options, allowing you to dress your heroines in a way that highlights their allure.

Robot Helm and Mask

We've introduced a new, sleek sci-fi helmet for the Synth, complete with a variety of cool textures and sliders for customization. This pairs nicely with the new robot mask that also comes with a variety of nice looking textures.

And More!

Here is the full change-log:

Main Game:

  • New Automation Ring Machine
  • Updating The Synth with new helmet
  • Adding click to reveal serum ingredient tooltip
  • Hero flinch reaction when pointing weapon at head
  • Improved dematerializer gun dissolving effect
  • Adding xray creampie animation
  • Items respawn within respawn time if they are on floor
  • Added claimable alert icon for objectives and achievements
  • Environment respawning
  • Sets mode to None if punch/slap/touch were active when sitting in armchair
  • Can switch between None and Dick modes while seated
  • Added limit framerate settings option
  • Adding increment/deincrement buttons to settings sliders
  • Added tooltips for settings menu (Desktop and VR work)
  • Rotate cuffs on desktop in single axis, X,Y,Z modifier keys
  • Breast armour prevens jiggle
  • Coupled breast size with milk capacity
  • Heroines now look sweat when scared or weak
  • Adding button for quick access to player logs when showing an error
  • Adding 2nd Screen Trailer Camera Modes to Cheat Options
  • Updating Foxy Vanila character with new scarf

Character Creator:

  • Allowing to hide cloth while editing character
  • Adding bunch of alphakini and intimate materials to character creator
  • Adding intipate panties to character creator
  • Adding metallic material to Synth arms and legs and Psycko Suit
  • New Synth Hair/Helmet
  • Adding Robot Mask to Character Creator
  • Unlocking fitness and body tone detail limits

Bug Fixes:

  • Properly reset VR when switching to main menu
  • Fixed VR dick grab
  • Adding respawner to desktop bow
  • Fix armchair death ragdoll behaviour
  • Switching some material to Uber for better dissolve
  • Fixing UBER shaders with missing fluctuation frequency property
  • Machine panel switching & robot arm toggle fix
  • Tightening lovense pattern timings
  • Fix to syringe jumping when dropped
  • Fixing Animancer exception
  • Associated toy opinion with all toys's and Hitachi
  • Characters will not react right after an interaction
  • Machine starts lowered in main scene instead of just dissapearing
  • Eye Robot Scanner Beams and Not Found reference fix
  • Fixing Synth genitals issue
  • Fixing import settings of bunch of FBX costumes





TVS-Beta-41-win 5 GB
Version 7 Nov 06, 2024
TVS-Beta-41-mac 5 GB
Version 4 Nov 06, 2024

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Tried running it on my Windows, it launches to the menu, but it seems a few of the buttons are blank. 

Tried running it on VR through my HTC vive, no dice, and even mouse+keyboard mode doesn't run. You can hear the click SFX, but that's it. Only stays in the menu. 

(1 edit) (+1)

I would try to rename the user folder of the game that you find in:
Then the folder is recreated with default settings on the next game start.
Depending on from which version you updated you can get some really weird effects.
Be aware that this removes all your settings and whatever else is saved!
You can of course always change the name back or copy individual files from the old folder in case that the renaming resolved the issue.

I have a bug for not being able to put down the vibe wand after picking it up. Desktop mode. Likely due to the fact that interact is disabled due to both mouse buttons controlling the wand.

Dropping via the "E" key works, I actually never tried to drop anything using the mouse.

I can't get pressing E to do anything. Or more correctly, I can't get it to do anything with the wand. I can pick up other items and use them, throw them. It's like I grow an invisible robotic arm that's got a visible vibrator wand attached but can't do anything aside from turn the power settings up and down or turn it off.

In your case I'd also try renaming the user folder as described above to see if it's some setting problem.

(3 edits)

Ah, the proposed cameras have arrived, even with different modes - very nice!
But I don't see where their picture is shown?

Thanks a lot for fixing the death ragdolls. Contrary to the change log the death ragdolls are fixed for every device, you can now even switch to a different machine and position with the dead lady without having odd effects like in the previous versions.

I don't know if it's due to the fixed death ragdoll behavior or some other optimization, but the breast jiggling seems to be much better now. While it's still nearly not happening with the awake ladies, it's already visible for the sleeping ladies and perfect for the dead ladies. 

Especially in the poser machine in the position selected by the top right button, going for vagina and using the second fastest thrust it's really awesome.
Not yet fully realistic but getting a lot closer. And you can see the different breast tendernesses, the best for my taste is the catwoman.

I really wish I wouldn't have to kill them to get the proper jiggling, though :-D

In this position in the poser machine the pubic hair of all ladies seems to have a bit of a glitch.

The automation ring is nice, but doesn't do too much to my fetishes... but tastes are different and it's a really interesting machine. I expect that it's perfect for a tickling fetish.

I'm still missing the dildo machine for the devious machine (at least I hope it's the name for the one that puts her in doggy style position).

And having a dual dildo option would also be cool similar to what you have in the automation ring.

I love the creampie animation on the x-ray machine. I'm also very happy with the cum dripping out from the pussy that arrived in the previous update though I think the cum should less liquid, more gel-like and therefore drip slower. And of course stay a lot longer... perhaps with a "clean" function similar to the "reset clothes" or simply a towel that you can use on her.

I still have to test the rest, but so far it's really great work!

Oh, and thanks for finally enabling putting in the cheat code via num pad, it was always a bit of a nuisance to do that by mouse in the desktop mode!